LinkedIn Advertising

B2B Targeted Marketing Strategies

With LinkedIn Advertising connect with targeted Professionals and Organizations to Acquire, Hire, and Forge B2B opportunities necessary to advance and scale your business. With Linkedin’s powerful targeting features, including AI-supported functionality, engage with intelligence and reach more qualified prospects. Discover the power of LinkedIn Advertising and leverage the experience of Allegiant Digital to help you make better connections and improve your LinkedIn Advertising Performance.

Need LinkedIn Ads Help? Let’s Talk!

Why Use LinkedIn Ads Management?

Connect with B2B Businesses and Prospective Employees

Why use LinkedIn Ad Management over other marketing techniques? It’s no secret that the internet has changed how we do everything – including how businesses connect with other businesses or how you can engage prospective employees to build into your company or agency. Our LinkedIn Ads management services make it easier than ever before to create a professional LinkedIn Marketing Network. Giving you a platform to promote your brand’s message and vision, as well as create new opportunities for conversion. With Allegiant Digital’s LinkedIn Management services you can expect:

  • Highly Skilled Experts who are Knowledgeable about the LinkedIn Ads Platform
  • Dedicated LinkedIn Specialists who work hand in hand with you to build a custom strategy based on your needs
  • Industry-leading conversion rates backed by Intelligent Software, Savvy Tracking Platforms, and AI Technology

We have built our business on the knowledge and skills built over twenty years of collective experience. We want to offer this skillset to businesses like yours. Connect with us today and meet your new partners in LinkedIn Ads Management and see how we can make a difference for you.

How LinkedIn Ads Management Improves Results

Customizable Targeting Features Helping You Find the Right Leads

LinkedIn Ads allow you to connect directly with your B2B target market. Marketers can target specific groups of people and get a better understanding of their needs. Whether you are an in-house marketer or freelancer/agency with your own clients, LinkedIn Ads is the right tool for you to use. If you want to tap into B2B markets, you can’t forgo LinkedIn. It has by far the largest network of professionals. LinkedIn Ads allow marketers to create and target ads using:

  • Keyword targeting – Showing your ad based on searches related to keywords you select
  • Demographic targeting – Targeting people who have specific demographic attributes such as their age or location
  • Look-Alike Audiences – Target audiences that resemble your target market in key ways, but have yet to encounter your brand.

The targeting possibilities with LinkedIn ads are endless. You can target your audience in a matter of minutes by using the filters mentioned above or creating and uploading custom audiences to link back to your CRM data, purchase history, social connections, etc.

Looking to Explore a New LinkedIn Ads Strategy? Let’s Talk!

Get a FREE LinkedIn Ads Audit and Consultation Today!

How Exactly Does LinkedIn Advertising Work?

Helping Businesses Connect Strategically with B2B and Leads

LinkedIn Ads uses advanced algorithms to help you develop ads that specifically target your ideal client. Our LinkedIn Ads Specialists have a deep understanding of LinkedIn’s advertising platform.

Our experts are equipped to help you develop LinkedIn Ads of all budget sizes to grow your business. They will walk alongside you through the process of LinkedIn Advertising from start to finish.

Here’s How It Works:

LinkedIn Features

LinkedIn is a great place to start building your digital marketing strategy but it’s important that you are targeting the right people. LinkedIn’s targeting allows you to narrow the field of potential clients and customers by subtypes. Pinpoint your target market based on demographic data, industry, company, or job title. Create ads that speak to the specific needs of these subtypes. Identify where they are most likely to view these ads, and engage!

LinkedIn’s ads management system uses an advanced system algorithm to help you develop ads that specifically target your ideal client. At its most basic, LinkedIn’s algorithm is based on two main factors – LinkedIn members’ information and the LinkedIn content they are viewing. Using this information, our team of LinkedIn ads specialists can help you build ads, Content Development, and even Landing Pages that coordinate directly with your LinkedIn member’s interests.

LinkedIn allows for different types of ads to be displayed on its platform. Each one has its own strengths and place within the conversion funnel. They have designed these ads specifically for the B2B market, so take advantage of it!


LinkedIn allows for different types of ads, such as:

Sponsored Content: These can be used to offer direct, native advertising on LinkedIn’s feed function.

Text Ads: LinkedIn’s version of the Pay-Per-Click System (PPC), text ads can be a great, relatively low-cost way to advertise on LinkedIn.

InMail: As the name suggests, these are direct messages to identified target clients. It allows for individualized ads that speak to the needs of the target receiving the message.

For more information on specific LinkedIn management and marketing techniques, connect with one of our specialists for a consultation!

Allegiant Digital’s team of LinkedIn experts are equipped to help you navigate the implementation of your campaigns as well as the analysis of any and all data that comes from it. Analyzing the data will help you better understand both who your marketing is reaching and what they are most interested in seeing.


Effective execution of your campaigns is top priority for our LinkedIn ads management team. Combining the knowledge of LinkedIn best practices with innovative AI technology, Allegiant Digital can help you create ads that give your team an edge over the competition.

How We Do LinkedIn Advertising Differently

What Makes Allegiant Digital Great at LinkedIn Ads Management

Working with Web Design and Development Professionals means working with people who have spent years training to be able to provide accurate and detailed guidance in regard to design and implementation (In short, they are really good at making websites stand out and run on all cylinders!)

Ultimately a Web Developer or a Web Designer is going to save you time and energy. Allegiant Digital Marketing’s Web Design and Web Development Teams are here to create optimized, beautiful websites that impress both visitors and search engines alike. Developing a new website can be a grueling process. Our team is here to make it easier by creating a website for you that optimizes your Digital ROI and drives Conversions.

Leverage LinkedIn with Allegiant Digital

Our LinkedIn ads team is trained to offer only the services that are most beneficial to your brand and your ROI. Every one of our Linkedin specialists received 500 hours of on-the-job training and holds Google digital marketing certifications. We hold ourselves to this standard to guarantee that you receive top-quality marketing services regardless of who you speak with.


At Allegiant Digital, we aren’t just your marketing service, we are your partners in digital marketing. We succeed when you reach your marketing goals and are dedicated to the cause of helping you reach them. Our team consistently keeps on top of industry trends and marketing developments and implements only the best of these practices in our recommendations.

Allegiant Digital doesn’t believe in shelling out services that don’t push you towards your goals. Creating value that encourages your business to grow is why we do what we do, and we can employ the best of this knowledge and experience in service of your business.

At Allegiant Digital, we manage traditional experience and industry-leading innovation to maximize the effectiveness of your Linkedin ads. As we said earlier, we only employ the tactics that are most beneficial to your particular industry. If it wouldn’t be beneficial to your business, we do not recommend it, period.

What is important to understand is that web developers are going to be responsible for things like:

  • – Constructing web pages
  • – Implementing design elements
  • – Optimizing code for SEO
  • – Etc.

Some of these you will see, but much of this work will be behind the scenes. Don’t mistake invisible for optional, though; having the most beautiful website in the world will be useless if it’s not paired with optimized development. Luckily, Allegiant Digital Marketing does both. Beautiful websites should also be powerful beyond appearance and that is what Allegiant Digital Marketing offers our partners.


Our innovative AI technology serves as the backbone of Allegiant Digital’s LinkedIn Advertising services. It provides our team with valuable data that our team can translate into profit for your business. This data forms the backbone of our professional insights and recommendations. Our team members are trained to analyze this information, provide recommendations, and implement these recommendations to maximize your business’s ROI.

Looking to Explore a New LinkedIn Ads Strategy? Let’s Talk!

Get a FREE LinkedIn Ads Audit and Consultation Today!

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