Technical SEO

Improve Speed and UX to Boost Results

Technical SEO is an absolute necessity for increasing website speed and improving user experience. Over 40% of website visitors will leave your website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. And with only 50% of websites online registering speeds faster than 2.9 seconds means Technical SEO is in high demand. If your website promotes a poor user experience, has broken links or pages, and runs at a snail’s pace, we can help! Improve your visitor experience and turn your Turtle Speed into Turbo Today!

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What is Technical SEO?

The Need for Speed and Optimized User Experience

Simply put, Technical SEO in your website optimization strategy is imperative to SEO Success. Improving key technical elements on your website can impact your web pages and their ability to rank on search engines like Google. Focusing on Technical SEO helps you do things like increase website speeds and improve the ability of search engines to crawl and understand the topic matter of your web pages. Faster loading pages, cleaner architecture and code, and improved information for the search engines to access on your website will result in higher rankings and a better user experience.

Improving your Technical SEO has even more of a profound effect when it comes to Mobile Experience. As technology advances, so do our expectations. And with more people using their Smart Phones as their primary means of accessing the internet, it is important to make sure you deliver the swiftest, most seamless experience possible. Doing so means removing technical hurdles and resource-heavy burdens that impact your website’s mobile performance. Putting Technical SEO to practice and optimizing your website for a mobile-first experience will help put your business far ahead of the competitive curve.

In order to increase your rankings, you must first start with identifying the types of keywords you want your website to rank for on the search engine. Keywords should reflect what you do as a business and where you conduct your business geographically, if applicable. The types of keywords you choose also need to be carefully selected. It is important to work with an SEO Expert who practices Keyword Research and Competitive Analysis. Otherwise, you could very well end up going after keywords that drive irrelevant traffic or broad terms that are both extremely difficult to optimize and require hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions in order to have a shot at attaining.

Once your keywords are in place, building rankings focuses on three core principles: Relevancy, Credibility, and User Experience. With all three features combined, you will provide the search engines with confidence and earn your place among the top results that are featured on the first page of the search engine for the keywords you target. Providing your business with a substantial source of traffic, leads, and sales revenue that can completely alter your trajectory and help you scale your business to its maximum potential.

The Three Basic Principles of SEO

Relevancy has to do with features like where you place keywords within your website, how you structure content on your web pages and producing highly valuable and engaging content that your audience takes the time to read.

Credibility is accomplished through offsite factors that include features like Link Building. Link Building acts much like a vote of confidence passed to you from another website that has agreed to allow you to place your website link on their web page. But it is not just any web page you want to build links from. It needs to be Authoritative Sites that Google has identified as Trustworthy and Credible themselves.

User Experience has to do with how users interact with your website and the experiences they share online with others through Reviews and other Social Signals that provide insight into the validity and quality of the business you operate. Your website needs to be fast, it needs to be intuitive, and it needs to convert. You must maintain a positive reputation and produce an impression that your business is trustworthy, quality, and seen as a valuable business to the Search Engine Community.

Why do I need Technical SEO?

Optimizing for Technical SEO anywhere you conduct business, is critical for SEO growth. Search Engines like Google want to provide their audience with the best possible results. This is done by constantly improving algorithms that target how well your website works with the search engine and the experience it delivers to the people who access your website.

With a multitude of ranking factors that impact Technical SEO, it is important to work with an SEO Company that knows how to identify them. For example, Google robots (often referred to as “Bots”) crawl and evaluate the pages on your website that identify your strengths and weaknesses. Factors such as User Experience (UX) happen to be one of many that Google pays great attention to when evaluating your website. If your web page is slow and causes people to leave it, especially before it can fully load, this will trigger Google to “penalize” your page. If you continually register successive penalties, not only will it prohibit your website from improving in rank, but it can also cause you to lose rankings or be stripped of any rankings altogether.

We are not a Boutique SEO Company who practice the same dated techniques that do not work. With Advanced SEO Techniques and Technology, Meticulous Work Ethic, and “Outside of the Box” Ingenuity for Creative Marketing, we deliver a hybrid SEO Product that defies the Industry Dogma. With our SEO Services, we help our Partners truly stand apart from their competition and maximize their ROI Potential. If you are ready to learn how Search Engine Optimization with Allegiant Digital can completely alter your company’s course for success, let’s talk. Our experts are ready to teach and help guide you and your business along the path of SEO and how it can scale your business into the future.

Students and Teachers of SEO

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As both students and teachers in the SEO industry, we have built a culture where we use ingenuity to explore and chart new paths in SEO strategies and technology. This allows our SEO Agency to always remain ahead of the curve all while giving our Partners the tactical and technical advantages to surpass and dominate their competition. If you are ready for better SEO, we are ready to help. Start now and learn from our SEO Consultants how we can help you focus on growing your leads and revenue on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other popular search engines. Call or submit a request online to speak or chat with a Google Certified SEO Expert from Allegiant Digital today.

Ready to Improve your Website Speed and Performance?

Get a FREE Technical SEO Audit and Strategy Consultation Today!

Technical SEO Characteristics that will Boost Your Website Performance

A technically inclined website exhibits features that demonstrate speed, bot crawlability, and helps search engines properly understand what your website is about. Leveraging the experience of adept Technical SEO experts will ensure your website steps up to the plate complete and prepared. This way each time Google pitches a bot to crawl your website you are in the best position to hit a home run – every time your website is called to step inside the Technical SEO Batter’s Box.

Using Automation Technologies, AI, Tracking Systems, and our SEO Experts extensive knowledge we develop an SEO Engine that removes much of the manual efforts that often bog down other SEO Agencies. As time is a company’s greatest asset, working with SMARTS gives us back more time to invest into your SEO project. With better comprehensive Data and SEO Intelligence in our pocket we can help you grow exponentially.

If you are ready to harness the SEO power our SEO Company can arm your business with, then let’s talk. Call or submit a contact request and one of our Expert SEO Consultants will be in touch right away.

Characteristics of a Technically Optimized Website

One: Website Speed Optimization (It’s Fast):

Having a website that is fast is no longer a luxury. It is expected and a firm requirement for performance dictated by the search engines and your audience. If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, you will have lost 38% of desktop users and over 53% of mobile website visitors. And with Page Experience in effect because of the Core Web Vitals update, Google announced these metrics will become Core Algorithm Update impacting websites June 2021. So, what do you do? Let the Expert Technical SEO Experts at Allegiant Digital help.

SEO Services Overview

What our SEO Services really Include

Long Version

For the Technically Inquisitive Companies and Savvy Business Owners who are looking for more in-depth coverage into what happens behind the scenes with our SEO Services, we got you covered!

As your vested Partners and “Go To” SEO Company, we want you to always be in the know. In the chart below we provide an illustration of what is included in our different SEO Packages that cover many of the necessary components of a successful SEO Campaign. While there are some proprietary details we have to play close to the vest, rest assured that the outline below lays the foundation to position your business for absolute best success and growth in Search Engine Optimization. Coupled with comprehensive strategies and advanced SEO Technologies, it is a formidable force that will propel your business and results to the apex of potential and performance.

Looking for a specific SEO Service that works for You?

Let our experts help find you the Right Search Engine Optimization Package Today!

Local SEO Services

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Local SEO

Leverage Allegiant Digital’s Superior Local SEO Capabilities and put our Elite SEO Company to work for your business or agency today. With both our Innovative Capabilities and Powerful SEO Technologies at hand, along with our Local SEO Expert Support, your business will surpass your local competition and thrive online unlike ever before. Learn more here: Local SEO or White Label SEO

Ecommerce SEO

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Ecommerce SEO

Looking to maximize your product’s exposure and increase your Ecommerce SEO Sales? Our team of highly experienced Ecommerce SEO Experts can help. With our proprietary Ecommerce SEO Services and Advanced Marketing Technologies built exclusively for the New Age Ecommerce Pioneers, we offer a better profit engine to power your Ecommerce Sales to the next level. Learn more here: Ecommerce SEO

Enterprise SEO

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Enterprise SEO

Welcome to the Big Leagues where heavy hitters and deep pockets historically have ruled the Search Engine Landscape when it comes to Enterprise Level National SEO. Well, that is… Until now. If you are looking to take on the Behemoths of the Industry know you have a National SEO Team fully stocked, locked, and loaded that is capable and who will not back down from a good fight. Learn more here: Enterprise SEO

YouTube SEO

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YouTube SEO

If you did not know already, YouTube is the second largest Search Engine in the world. That is why we offer extensive YouTube SEO services to help you grow your Channel and Video Content’s Visibility. Grow your subscriber network, get more views, and experience better customer growth and increased revenue with our YouTube SEO Services and Technology. Learn more here: YouTube SEO

Fully Managed SEO Agency Services

Built to Deliver the Ultimate ROI Performance

When you hire someone for SEO Services you want an SEO Agency who you can rely on to deliver great results. That is why Allegiant Digital is the perfect fit to help you Improve your Online Presence with our Fully Managed SEO Services.

Think of SEO as an umbrella to many micro strategies that contribute to the whole and how well you will rank against competitors. If you only excel in certain areas, take short cuts, or miss critical opportunities it is easy to fail from the onset of the project.

With our extensive knowledge and industry-leading technologies we are able to deliver comprehensive SEO solutions that will get the job done and get it done exceptionally well. Let us handle everything from keyword research to content creation, website enhancements, and technical improvements, along with all aspects of conversion optimization to maximize results! You do not have to worry about a thing; just sit back and watch as our team does what they do best by improving your Online Presence and Organic Visibility.

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How to Choose the Right SEO

Building for Future SEO Success

At some point in time we have all fallen victim to a great pitch and an empty delivery. Meaning we were sold on the idea that the product or service being offered would be life-changing only to discover later it was just a “big ol’ pile of steaming poo.”

At Allegiant Digital, we have made it our life’s mission to give our Partners the knowledge and confidence to understand topics like SEO and the micro strategies that comprise Search Engine Optimization. Below is a cumulation of 20+ years of pain points our Partners have shared with us so that we can help you make the best choice on who you hire to do SEO for your business.

One: Website Speed Optimization (It’s Fast):

Characteristics of a Technically Optimized Website

Having a website that is fast is no longer a luxury. It is expected and a firm requirement for performance dictated by the search engines and your audience. If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, you will have lost 38% of desktop users and over 53% of mobile website visitors. And with Page Experience in effect because of the Core Web Vitals update, Google announced these metrics will become Core Algorithm Update impacting websites June 2021. So, what do you do? Let the Expert Technical SEO Experts at Allegiant Digital help.

Two: Search Engine Crawlability Improvement

The $99 SEO program scam is probably one that resides at the top of the list. Our comprehensive outline above that details SOME of what goes into a real SEO program should quickly illustrate that no company on this planet in their right mind could afford to stay in business offering that cheap of an SEO Service, let alone be effective at it against the likes of SEO Agencies like ours. Understanding what is included, how often work is done, and what accountability and tracking systems are in place should be the first question asked whenever you entertain any SEO Services with prices too good to be true.

Three: Dead Link Auditing and Removal

The frustration we, as users, feel when a web page takes FOREVER to load is equal to the frustration we experience when we click on a link that takes us to a page that does not exist or is broken. 404 error pages is the technical term used to describe broken links and pages that when visited, do not exist or load. Not only is this a frustration for us the User, but one that search engines absolutely abhor.

Because search engines crawl websites more effectively and efficiently than a human can, their bots discover far more dead links than what we typically encounter. Since most sites have dead links that go unnoticed in most cases, using tools designed to retrieve dead links can help you fix them before they become a problem.

Four: Remove Duplicate Content for Search Engine Efficiencies

Duplicate content is the process of using the same exact content multiple times within your own website or on other websites. In any instance, it creates confusion with the search engines and will lead to penalization and reduced rankings.

Often duplicate content issues happen without you even being aware of it. Because of the lack of Technical SEO performed on your website you may have different URLs that can show the same content. This happens when Canonicalization has not been implemented. Fortunately, this is a relatively easy fix and one that Allegiant Digital can put into place in the event your website has been hit with duplicate content issues.

Five: Better Website Security

Another sign of a technically optimized website shows when you take the necessary steps to add security features to your website. This means implementing measures that safely guarantee your audience and their privacy is protected. One of the most common ways of implementing security is by adding an SSL Certificate to your website (HTTP versus HTTPS).

Converting to an HTTPS site ensures that no one can intercept the data that is sent over between the browser and your website. This is especially important anytime people do things like log into your website or process transactions. Even if you do not offer any of these features, Google expects your site to be secure. In fact, this is a ranking factor that goes into the Google Formula when deciding what websites rank above others.

Six: Adds Structured Data (Schema Markup)

Structured Data helps the search engines better understand your website, content, and even your overall business in general. With Structured Data, you provide a better information hierarchy that helps to provide the search engines with additional insights into the products you sell or services you have to offer from your website.

With it, you gain the ability to offer further in-depth details about those products and services that can give more value to your audience within the search results. Doing so can greatly increase visits to your website and drive higher volume in leads and greater quantity in sales.

Seven: Adding an XML Sitemap

An XML Sitemap is a simple concept and one that is easy to implement. It serves as a list of all the pages of your website and is produced so that it provides search engines with a roadmap to all the pages that can be found within your website. Having an XML Sitemap will ensure search engines do not miss important pages containing valuable content that can help aid your SEO efforts.

Although a website does not need an XML Sitemap, it is helpful for internal linking structure. If you do not have a great structure, implementing an XML Sitemap may help you begin to build one for better SEO performance.

With it, you gain the ability to offer further in-depth details about those products and services that can give more value to your audience within the search results. Doing so can greatly increase visits to your website and drive higher volume in leads and greater quantity in sales.

Eight: Testing to Improve UX (User Experience)

There are many features we believe our websites contain that help user experience and improve conversions. However, if you are not testing them then you may be holding onto features that you can live without. Features that could also free up resource demands on your website and server that instead could be invested back into your website to improve speed along with search engine and user efficiencies.

Technical SEO includes optimizing experiences that impact our Audience and how they engage with our website. Improving experience can help remove unnecessary technologies, heavy design, and graphic work, and add on features that have very little to no use in your customer’s journey. Use features like Google Analytics and User Tracking Programs to help you utilize the features that matter and remove those that do not. Improve your UX through testing that can help you maximize your website performance.

With it, you gain the ability to offer further in-depth details about those products and services that can give more value to your audience within the search results. Doing so can greatly increase visits to your website and drive higher volume in leads and greater quantity in sales.

Ready to Improve your Website Speed and Performance?

Get a FREE Technical SEO Audit and Strategy Consultation Today!

Why Work with SEO Agency Experts

Because They Know What it Takes to Get You Ranked

As a Premier SEO Company and one of the top Digital Marketing Agencies in the U.S. and abroad, we want to earn your business and deliver an experience unlike any other you will have from the SEO Industry.

Allegiant Digital puts your business first and that is reflected in every aspect of the SEO Services we provide to your business. That is why we go to great lengths do things right and with ethical practice in all things SEO and Digital Marketing. This includes:

People Love our SEO Results

Our Partners are our strongest advocates and steadfast supporters. Allegiant Digital’s core belief is loyalty and our unwavering allegiance to the businesses we support. When you are truly vested and passionate about helping other businesses grow and succeed, it will always show in the quality of results you deliver. Our Reviews, Client Testimonials, and References tell the rest.

Exclusive SEO Partnership

If you look at the definition of Allegiant it states one who is loyal and faithful, especially to a person or a cause. We sincerely believe that in the Digital Marketing Industry it is virtually impossible to serve one’s interest if you are also attempting to help their competition. That is why we practice exclusivity and only work with one business within their market.

Comprehensive SEO Programs

Turn-key SEO Solutions that span SEO and all its micro strategies to help you rise among your competition. With our Comprehensive SEO Packages, extensive and elaborate SEO Technologies, two plus decades of hands-on SEO Experience, and our meticulous work ethic to deliver a superior result, you will quickly discover how powerful Allegiant Digital SEO Services can be for your business.

You Own your SEO Work

Every piece of SEO work we supply to your business will always belong to you outright. We do not believe in holding people hostage and genuinely believe that if you deliver great results and an excellent experience you will never give your Partners a reason to ever want to leave. Everything we do for your business you have earned, and you will keep, bottom line.

Tracking Dashboards and SEO Transparency

No matter your investment level or what type of SEO Services we provide to your business, it is standard practice that you receive your very own Tracking Dashboard for SEO Transparency. We want our Partners to know, first-hand, at every step, and through each phase of the SEO process what we do, how we do it, and most importantly… How it helps your SEO Results grow and thrive.

World Class SEO Support

Any business owner, and for that matter, any human being should never feel neglected or like they do not matter. We treat all our Partners with class, dignity, and absolute respect. You will always feel our SEO Agency makes your business the priority and that we are here for you during your highs and lows. That is our pledge and promise to provide you with World Class Support, 100%.

Ready to Grow your ROI with our SEO Services?

Get in touch with an Allegiant Digital SEO Expert today

If you are ready to put our SEO Services to work for your business and change your company’s trajectory for good, we are ready to help. We are a team of SEO Experts that have been helping companies like yours for over 20 years. Our SEO Services will help you rank higher, increase quality traffic to your website, and produce better leads to max out your growth and ROI potential.

If you want the best results possible, we are here to make sure that happens. You can be confident knowing our team is always working hard on new strategies, developing better technologies, and pushing innovative techniques beyond their limits so that we can provide the absolute best service possible for your business. With every ounce of effort we exert, we do so with the primary objective always in sight – growing your revenue!

Call or Click Here if you are ready for Allegiant Digital Marketing to start increasing your business revenue growth today!

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